LinEpig: Metopobactrus pacificus

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Metopobactrus pacificus female epigynum

Metopobactrus pacificus Emerton, 1923

Image contributed by Donald J. Buckle  

Image (c) Mr. Donald J. Buckle - CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial) 4.0


The female of Metopobactrus pacificus is undescribed. Buckle et al. 2001 consider M. pacificus the junior synonym of Micrargus aleuticus Holm 1960. This specimen was collected in Flathead Valley in northern Montana and det by DJ Buckle.
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Cite: LinEpig: An ID Gallery for Female Erigoninae. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Online at, accessed on 2024-07-27.